Youth Ministries

All our nursery, children’s and teens’ ministry volunteers have been through an application process, training, and background checks. At FBC we desire to raise children who love the Lord with all their heart, soul, and mind. We make it a priority to provide a safe environment for our young people. We want parents to know that we care about their children's spiritual, mental, and physical well-being.



Nursery is for ages 0 to 3, beginning after the announcement, song, and Bible reading portions of the worship services.

Nursery is currently provided during Sunday morning but is also available during Sunday evening worship, Sunday School, and Wednesday evening, upon request.

A private part of the nursery can be reserved for mothers needing to nurse their babies, and audio of the sermon is available for those wishing to listen in the nursery.


Kids’ Ministry: Kids4Truth Clubs

Kids4Truth is our Wednesday night children’s ministry for K4 to 6th grade students. It is a program designed to teach children the great truths of the Bible and so ground them in the Christian faith.

The night includes game time, songs and a creative Bible lesson. The children are helped in small groups to memorize key Bible verses and doctrinal statements. They see how biblical truth applies to their lives through stories, discussion and handcrafts.


Sunday School

An age-specific class is available to everyone during the Sunday School hour. For kids, classes include hands-on activities or discussion with the teaching time. Adults and teens take part in groups which facilitate discipleship and spiritual accountability.


Bass Lake Camp

As part of the Minnesota Association of Regular Baptist Churches, our church supports and takes part in camps and activities at Bass Lake Camp near Winnebago, MN. There are camps for second grade students through young adults as well as family camp, women’s and men’s retreats.